Interesting that it's just a few plugins in particular, and only if I attempt to open the plugin window. Not that I've tested each of my plug-ins to make a comprehensive list of which ones cause a crash, but the one that stands out to me is the J37 tape emulator from Waves. If I don't open the plugin window, it seems to work just fine as far as processing audio goes, but as soon as I try to open the plug-in window (or add a new instance of it, which prompts the plugin window to open), then boom - immediate crash.
I've been having the same problem with a few waves plugins. Specifically, Vocal Synth 2 and Nectar 3 by Izotope have not been opening. The plug ins that cause problems crash my whole logic session. it's very annoying. I hope Apple fixes this soon as I've got deadlines...
Waves J37 Tape Plugin Windows
You can use tape saturation plugins in several different ways. For example, you can use tape emulators on your mix bus before you do your gain staging, on a drum bus to add some glue, or even on individual tracks to control transients.
This plugin lets you choose between four different types of tape, each with distinct frequency variations, distortions, and compression characters. It has a straightforward user interface with several options to accommodate your tape distortion to the finest detail.
As you would expect from Universal Audio, their Studer A800 Multichannel Tape Recorder plugin is impeccably modeled after its original peer. It brings you many different rare features that let you shape the tone and color of the tape saturation and distortion.
TAIP by Baby Audio is a revolutionary tape emulator that you can use as onboard parallel processing and has a super cool and re-scalable user interface with three different skins for your comfortability. In addition, the plugin has a few controls that give us enough flexibility and different sounds but not too many to be confusing.
This plugin does an incredible job when recreating the compression effect and non-linearities from tape machines and offers you some sliders that you can use to add some of these effects.
You can change the tape formula on this plugin, which gives you three tape options with different characteristics and sounds, and change the speed and the bias. You can also add engaging effects with the delay control.
This plugin offers you these famous pieces of gear and applicable controls for essential aspects of the tape effect, such as the compression, the bias, and the crosstalk amounts, which you can set with the knobs.
This plugin counts with its four-set of tape formulas, auto-calibration, true stereo, and transport modeling characteristics shared with the rest of the bundle. Besides that, it offers a three-band semi-parametric EQ and a record knob, which adds some of the noise and mechanics of the recording head.
This plugin, as it is, can be helpful with poorly recorded vocals because the tape distortion and saturation round up the sound in a super clean way, even when you break it with extreme values, and give your song an attractive, super original character.
The plugin is an ideal tool for enhancing the warmth and character of your audio recordings. You can use it to add analog-sounding low-mids and tape-style harmonics to drums and bass using the custom bias algorithm or apply it to all tracks to create the effect of recording through a physical tape recorder. The tool is designed to be very CPU-friendly, thanks to its oversampling feature.
The N03/SN03-G tape recorder is a custom-made plugin by Sender Spike, who was looking to solve the CPU overload issue underlying most tape emulators, making it impossible to use the sought-after cumulative effect.
The Chow Tape Model is a great-sounding and musical-free tape emulation that takes the idea of physical modeling and applies it to a tape machine. This plugin can add heat and glue to your master bus, apply smoke vibes to your key loops, and do anything in between, making up for a versatile, helpful piece of freeware.
As the recording world pushes towards digital, the need for solid tape emulation plugins goes up immensely among any engineers, producers and musicians looking to recreate the kind of tones they grew up loving.
To help you get a taste for them, I ran a short drum loop through each of the plugins on offer. This loop was made with Native Instruments Session Drummer, with all EQ, compression, and built-in tape saturation turned off. You can listen to a full audio shootout of all these plugins for yourself toward the end of this post, or download all the full resolution files here.
Coming in as the third UAD plugin on this list, the Studer A800 is an iconic piece of kit. As opposed to the other offerings from the DSP king, the A800 presents an angle that neither of the previous instances have fully accounted for: The dedicated multitrack tape recorder.
With such modes as EchoPlex, Space Echo and Binsonette (based on Binson EchoRec), we can see how serious Soundtoys is about packing the best-of-the-best tape delays into this plugin. Other tape delay options are modelled after the Ampex ATR102.
Waves' H-Delay does not emulate any specific tape echo hardware, nor is it a dedicated tape delay plugin (though it does have several authentic tape-style presets). Rather, this plugin offers a full range of controls that allow the user to dial in the appropriate style of delay.
This powerful plugin offers all the standard tap tempo, tempo sync and manual delay time control along with a virtual knob for feedback. The Lo-Fi mode emulates the vintage character of old hardware units (both tape and analog), while the Analog mode can be set to one of five positions (including off).
Modulation and Filter control sections complete this plugin, affording full control over the style and sound of the delay. Sure, the H-Delay may not be an obvious tape delay plugin, though the tape sounds we can achieve with proper tweaking give it a dedicated spot on this list.
The Tape Delay of this Valhalla plugin offers a detailed tape delay emulation based on the legendary Roland RE-201 and RE-301 units. It's made complete with variable motor speed, comprehensive wow/flutter control and equalization capabilities. Asperity noise and tape splice artifacts can be dialled in with the Age knob while the Era switches select various modelled tape echo units.
Since 2001, Line 6's Echo Farm delay plugins have been used in professional and amateur productions around the world. The Line 6 Echo Farm 3 (link to check the price at Plugin Boutique) is a compilation of 12 fantastic hardware delay units (including a few tape options) modelled with precision in an outstanding plugin.
If you're familiar with UAD, you'll know just how accurate their emulation plugins are. Expert modelling and careful attention to detail have brought forth this superb tape delay plugin that sounds precisely like the RE-201.
From the distortion, musical wow and flutter, sci-fi pitch shifting, and real-time adjustability, this plugin affords users some legendary tape delay. Whether we're trying to magically fit an element into the mix with seemingly minimal effort or attempting something completely experimental, the Galaxy Tape Echo is the tool to do it.
This article will share our top 10 picks for the best tape machine VSTs plugins that your music l give the best mixing and mastering music. In the process, you will also learn about tape machines and how to use them. So without further delay, let's dive right in.
Tape Machine 440 by IK Multimedia is one of the best Tape Simulation VST plugins. The plugin uses convolution and physical modeling to recreate the sound of a tape machine. It has four main tape formulae-
Softube Tape is a CPU Efficient Tape machine emulator VST. It has three modes for tape recording- A, B, and C. As a result, it creates a realistic analog sound. The plugin also includes many amazing presets made by Grammy winner engineers.
The UAD Ampex is an excellent tape machine simulator, loved by all mastering engineers. It is one of the best plugins for mastering. The plugin fully recreates the color and character of the Ampex Machine. The plugin can also be used with the LUNA recording setup.
There are 3 signal paths in the plugin(input, sync, and repro). Apart from that, there are 4 tape formulas and different tape speeds. There is also an adjustable tape delay feature, useful for creating the double-tracking effect.
Another great plugin by Waves audio, this time in collaboration with the Abbey Road Studio. This plugin is modeled after the hardware used in some of the most iconic records of all time. There are 3 exclusive tape formulas included in the VST. Each formula has its own frequency response and saturation.
The plugin has a classic user interface. There are controls like Tape Speed, Bias, Noise, Saturation, Wow, and Flutter. A tape delay effect is added to the plugin for double tracking. The delay also features filter options.
U-he Satin is our personal recommendation for the best saturation VST in the market. The reason is simple, it provides more options for better tone sculpting and tape emulation. The plugin features a series of great tape models speed, Repro, and Recording Eq, along with other great features.
Thanks for reading! We hope that our recommendation will help you decide the best tape machine and saturation plugin for your mixing and mastering project. Make sure to check out our new Car Test Plugin.
Tape plugins are another story, and give a very different effect, i have Yamaha Vintage Open Deck because it emulates an Ampex ATR100, i like the sound of that machine, there are others Digidesign Reel Tape, Avid Heat, UAD, but most emulate Studer, and i dont like Studer Tape machine sound, and yes, yamaha vintage open deck has 4 studer emulations, and 2 tapes formulas with 2 speeds, 30 & 15 ips, some times i wish it also had 7.5 & 3.75ips, just for fun.cakewalk fx2 tape machine emulation tis also nice.. 2ff7e9595c