Door Door[a] is a single-screen puzzle-platform game developed by Enix and published in Japan in 1983. Originally released for the NEC PC-8801,[1] it was ported to other platforms, including the Family Computer.[2] Controlling a small character named Chun, the player is tasked with completing each stage by trapping different kinds of aliens behind sliding doors. Chun can jump over the aliens and climb ladders, and must also avoid obstacles such as large nails and bombs.
Door To Door Game For PC Full Version
The player's objective is to trap the aliens behind sliding doors positioned throughout each level, courses composed of platforms conjoined by assorted ladders. To trap the aliens, players approach the door from the side its handle is on, open it by running across it, lure the advancing villains inside, and shut the door before they escape. Trapped doors cannot be opened again. Chun can jump to avoid the aliens, who can kill him on touch. Bombs and nails, which sometimes appear on the screen, are also lethal. When the player dies (provided they have continues) they restart the level with previously trapped aliens vanished, and all doors are accessible again.
The status bar running along the top of the playing screen gives the player's score, the high score, the level number, and the number of lives remaining. Points are awarded for trapping aliens behind doors (with extra points going to players who corral multiple aliens behind one door) and collecting confectionery that intermittently appear and disappear on the playing screen, which include a striped piece of candy, an ice pop, a lollipop, a bowl of ice cream, a slice of cake, and a Mahjong tile. Players begin with three lives. Scoring 10,000 points awards the player an extra life; scoring intervals of 20,000 points thereafter awards the player more lives. If the player loses all lives, the game is over, forcing the player to restart from the first level.
As players advance, the levels become more complicated, many requiring abstract strategies. The eighth level pits Chun against a lone Otapyon alien; the player's strategy requires purposely allowing the Otapyon to shadow his jumps with the intention of guiding the unsuspecting Otapyon across the level's myriad platforms and into the doorway.
If an alien remains with all doors closed, the player is placed in a no-win situation. The tenth level, a flat expanse with two Namegon aliens and one door, illustrates this dilemma. Because the level begins with them spaced far apart, it is initially impossible to guide both aliens in the single door without one escaping. Allowing one to escape, however, places it closer to its counterpart, in turn enabling the player to trap both. If the player traps only one, then they must sacrifice one life as the stage will be impossible to complete.
An expanded version of the game, branded Door Door mkII, was released two years after the original in February 1985. The game was ported to MSX computers, NEC's PC-6001, PC-6001mkII, PC-6601, PC-8801, PC-8801mkII, and PC-8801mkIISR models, Sharp's MZ-2000, and Fujitsu's FM-7. It features 100 levels and the option to start the game from the new set of levels (beginning with level 51). Encouraged by the rapidly increasing popularity of video game consoles in Japan, Enix also ported Door Door to Nintendo's Famicom. In March 2004, Chunsoft celebrated their 20th anniversary by releasing a version of Door Door for Japanese mobile phone networks. A faithful reproduction of the Famicom version, the application is available for the NTT DoCoMo FOMA 505i and 900i series phones, and can be downloaded from i-chunsoft for 300 per month.[9] To the right is a table of all licensed ports of Door Door. A modified version featuring Mean Clean (エコ吉, eco kichi in Japanese) as the main protagonist is also featured in the 2008 visual novel 428: Shibuya Scramble as an unlockable bonus.
To enroll in the door-to-door service program, call Sunshine Line at (813) 272-7272, Monday - Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM to find out if you are eligible. When calling, you will need to provide the following information:
We'll open the door for you - a door to attractive design options and enhanced safety features that complete your home. Go ahead. Indulge your sense of design with a garage door that sets your home apart with style, appearance, safety and comfort.
In news unrelated to the reverse engineering project, Earlier this year, a group of video game preservationists discovered and released a partial beta version of Ocarina of Time, allowing fans to recover a significant amount of new information about the pre-release version including new areas, redesigned items and other elements that never made it into the final build.
Doors are one of the major structures of the Baldi's Basics series, allowing access to different locations, like classrooms and faculty rooms. The doors also play a crucial role for Baldi to find the player's location just by the sound of a door opening. The player can open the doors by left-clicking or touching the button while facing them.
There are six different types of standard doors: class door, faculty door, supplies door, Baldi door, placeholder door, and mystery door. The WD-NoSquee item can be used on these doors to make them silent, preventing them from being heard by Baldi. The Principal's Keys can be used on doors locked by Chalkles or Mrs. Pomp or during detention. The texture of the door depends on the room it leads to.
Class doors, or blue doors, are very common and usually connect to classrooms where the player can find notebooks. All characters can open blue doors. Blue doors also connect to the Principal's office. All class doors have the number 99, the number found and heard several times.
If the player enters, exits, or stays inside a faculty room near Principal of the Thing, they will get placed in detention, unless the Faculty Nametag item is in action. Unless directly entering the room, opening the front door while the Principal is there does not count as a school rule violation.
A supplies door, or closet door*, is the door exclusively used on Gotta Sweep's closet. Unlike the common doors, the door knob is attached to the left, so it opens towards the right side.
The Baldi door, or green door[citation needed], is exclusive for Baldi's Office in Baldi's Basics Classic, Birthday Bash, and Classic Remastered. The door has text that reads: "Baldi's Office". When opened, the opened section of the door for Baldi's Office is not transparent, and instead, distorted. This was caused the checkbox wasn't enabled with Alpha is Transparency in Unity. The player can still pass through the door because the door collider would be still on.
Add character and charm to your home with Clopay's Canyon Ridge Carriage House (5-Layer) garage door. Enjoy the authentic look of swing-out coach house doors paired with the modern-day functionality of upward operation. Not only beautiful, these doors provide quiet operation and energy efficiency for years to come.
Clopay Canyon Ridge Carriage House (5-Layer) garage doors take inspiration from the coach house designs of yesteryear and bring them to life with today's technology. These doors are constructed with steel for strength and durability, and molded composite materials for beauty and realism. The overlay material is molded from real wood boards to reproduce the unique grain patterns and textures of those species.
These low maintenance, faux wood doors are constructed with moisture-resistant, wood grain composite overlays and can be factory stained or painted in 7 colors, including black or slate. You can even combine the finishes for a truly unique look. These doors feature:
Clopay Canyon Ridge Carriage House (5-Layer) garage doors are built five layers strong. The faux wood-look composite overlay and cladding surface are low maintenance, durable and won't rot, warp, or crack.
Canyon Ridge Carriage House 5-Layer Overview. Canyon Ridge Carriage House 5-Layer garage door is constructed with steel for durability and composite material for beauty. Molded from real wood boards and you can choose from clear cypress, pecky cypress, or mahogany.
After that, the female Narrator tells you that the only way to save Stanley is to quit the game, but staying put will have the metal jaws crush you to death successfully, leaving the screen black and truly forcing you to restart.
Listen to the Narrator until you reach the Boss's Office. Quickly enter and leave the Boss's Office, making sure the doors are closed. All doors behind you will be open (including the Executive Bathroom); go back towards Stanley's Office. A door will be open right in front of his office. (if you go back to your office and close the door, you cannot reopen the door again). Upon entering the door, you will be teleported to a long staircase. After you go far enough there will be a sign warning you that both the Narrator and Stanley need to be present in order for escape sequence to play out as intended. The Narrator was disabled earlier on, so the game restarts instead.
After exiting the meeting room and before entering the staircase, Stanley finds a door that leads to a Broom Closet. If he goes inside and stays in there, the narrator starts to get annoyed and eventually assume the player is dead and requests someone else to take their place. After Stanley exits the room, The Narrator welcomes player 2. If Stanley goes into the Broom Closet again, the narrator will get annoyed some more, suggesting they give the controls to something non-human, like a monkey.
Take the right door, go left in the open door, use the elevator inside the Maintenance Room. Taking this route leaves the Narrator confused as to which direction to go. After opening and closing two doors in Stanley's face, he opens a garage door that leads to the Monitor Room. In successive restarts, Stanley will always end up in the Monitor Room. 2ff7e9595c