I am writing a VHDL code to impelemt 8 bit serial adder with accumulator.When i do simulation, the output is always zeros! And some times it gives me the same number but with a shift ! I dont know what is the problem, i tried to put A,B as inout but didnt work as well. Can anybody help please.
8 bit serial adder vhdl code
The only difference between circuits of Mealy and Moore type FSM for serial adder is that in Moore type FSM circuit, output signal s is passed through an extra flip-flop and thus delayed by one clock cycle with respect to the Mealy type FSM circuit.
The input taps are divided into sets. Each set is processed in parallel by a serial partition consisting of multiply accumulate and a multiplexer. Here, a set of serial partitions process a given set of taps. These serial partitions operate in parallel with respect to each other but process each tap sequentially to accumulate the result corresponding to the taps served. Finally, the result of each serial partition is added together using adders.
The accumulators in serial partitions can be re-used to add the result of the next serial partition. This is possible if the number of taps being processed by one serial partition must be more than that by serial partition next to it by at least 1. The advantage of this technique is that the set of adders required to add the result of all serial partitions are removed. However, this increases the clock rate by 1, as an additional clock cycle is required to complete the additional accumulation step.
You designed a lowpass direct form symmetric FIR filter to meet the given specification. You then quantized and checked your design. You generated VHDL code for fully parallel, fully serial, partly serial and cascade-serial architectures. You generated a VHDL test bench using a DTMF tone for one of the architectures.
You can use an HDL simulator to verify the generated HDL code for different serial architectures. You can use a synthesis tool to compare the area and speed of these architectures. You can also experiment with and generating Verilog code and test benches.
When you specify this option, HDL Coder chooses between the CSD or FCSD optimizations. The coder chooses the optimization that yields the most area-efficient implementation, based on the number of adders required. When you specify 'auto', the coder does not use multipliers, unless conditions are such that CSD or FCSD optimizations are not possible (for example, if the design uses floating-point arithmetic).
To generate HDL Code with DA architecture, invoke the generatehdl command, passing in a valid value to the 'DALUTPartition' property. The 'DALUTPartition' property directs the code generator to use DA architecture, and divides the LUT into a specified number of partitions. The 'DALUTPartition' property specifies the number of LUT partitions, and the number of the taps associated with each partition. For a filter with many taps it is best to divide the taps into a number of LUTs, with each LUT storing the sum of coefficients for only the taps associated with it. The sum of the LUT outputs is computed in a tree structure of adders. 2ff7e9595c